Selected numerical analysis tools, mostly in Python or MATLAB.
Process control
ml-obs - MATLAB scripts to implement various process observers, including Kalman filter, EKF, and multi-model observers.
SL4WT - MATLAB implementation and evaluation of the Adaptive Real Time Exploration and Optimization (ARTEO) algorithm.
mpc-code - MATLAB scripts to implement MPC prediction equations and control laws for linear system models.
Simulations environments
gym-CartPole-bt-v0 - A modified version of the cart-pole OpenAI Gym environment for testing different control policies.
gym-julia - Julia version of above cart-pole test environment.
process-models - MATLAB process simulation models for control system design.
I am also a contributor to the open source Python Control Systems Library.
MATLAB Utility scripts
ml-data-utils - Various functions to manage experimental data in MATLAB
ml-plot-utils - Various functions to make nice plots in MATLAB
ml-sys-id - Various functions for identifying AR and ARX models in MATLAB
Machine learning
dyn-opt - Python tools for data pre-processing and dynamic system model identification.
testing-rl - Python experiments to test basic reinforcement learning algorithms on cart-pole control problem.
experiments - Tools to setup and manage machine learning tests and experiments on a remote machine.
Energy optimization